How Startups can Scale Customer Service as They Grow

April 7, 2015By adminAustralia, Business, Business Planning, Commercialisation, Communication, Customer Service, Start Up Smart No Comments

STARTUPSMART  |  TUESDAY, 7 APRIL 2015  |  Daniel Scheltinga For startups, customer service is a vital part of becoming a successful business. But one of the biggest challenges of customer service is that almost as soon as everything is set up, things seem to change – platforms evolve, new collaboration methods emerge, and customer expectations

Intergenerational Prosperity Depends on Supporting Research

March 16, 2015By adminCommercialisation, Nanotechnology, Research Funding, Science, The Conversation No Comments

Michael Withford Director of the Macquarie University Photonics Research Centre, Macquarie University March 16, 2015 12.20pm AEDT New innovations and technologies, such as the Nanopatch developed by Australian biotech Vaxxas, are instrumental to Australia’s future prosperity, and many benefit from NCRIS facilities, which are now under threat from government cuts. AIBN According to the Intergenerational